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Yoga Camp

Funny yoga for kids

Yoga has got several different ways to be approached, all related to human beings and their needs. Let us take a light step on one of them with joy, and with surprising experiences for children aged 6 – 15 years.

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Meet yoga

Yoga will not limit any child to take part in any other vacation pleasures. We will do sports together, play games, will go for forest expedition, roast sausage by the fire or dance at the disco.

Children will meet yoga in non-violent, fun way, starting from very easy positions. It will make them feel relaxed, and it will raise their awareness about breathing with other aspects related to being and also, will nicely stretch their body. Yoga postures are natural for children and often they do them completely unmindfully during their daily life. The postures will be adjusted to age and abilities, no previous experience with yoga are required.

Yoga postures will ultimately lead to restore natural calmness and little yoga can better focus on feelings and sensation alone and together with others. We will offer just a gentle taster at the beginning of yoga journey that will help them to increase both physical and mental stamina and balance.

Who will lead yoga camp

Guarantor of the yoga program and one of the present teachers is Lucie LAND, great promoter of yoga. Lucie lives with her family in England with regular visits in Czech, Prague where she continues with her yoga classes. https://www.wellnessyoga.cz

For more information in English please contact Lucie, Mobil No. +44 7549885196, E-mail luciekrejcirova@yahoo.com

What to bring

Every participant of yoga camp shall have his own yoga mat.

Registration »

Date & Price - Yoga Camp 2019

- for children aged 6 – 15 years

Venue & Session Date 2019 Price information & Documents
Nova Paka 2nd Session August 8th to 17th 4100 Kč
ikona pdf

For more information & booking in English please contact Lucie.

Download information & Forms for parents in English:

ikona pdfinformation for parents Nova Paka Yoga Camp

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